Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Theirs was a typical Love - Hate relationship.From what eight year old Meenal could reminisce, it seemed like Deepal had been around forever.Following her everywhere like a shadow.Sometimes even to places, where her shadow abandoned her.
Deepal was the wiser one.She was always the one to show her the right path,the brighter side.She would finish sentences for her,occasionally, her thoughts too.
There were days she wished she could make her go away,to Neverland maybe.She wished she could put an end to her constant chattering.Sometimes she did too, but then she would regret it the very next moment.
It was always easy to cajole Deepal after a fight.She would never sulk for too long or make her suffer.She would come back to her ever so wise though.Always saying "I told you so".That would make Meenal hate her even more.
But she loved Deepal.She was her only comfort on dark rainy nights when Daddy was away and Grandma was fast asleep.The only one who would hear her sobs as she cried herself to sleep every night thinking of Mommy.Sometimes she would make up funny stories just to make her laugh.She would tell her that Daddy was not really mad at her but missed mommy too and that in the morning everything would be brighter.
As she sat in there, huddled up,thinking about Deepal ,she heard footsteps in the room outside."I told you Daddy would find you in here ", Deepal said. "Hush", she said.
Just then the knob turned and she saw Daddy giving her the sad look he always gave her . " What are you doing in Mommy's closet sweetie ?",he said. "We were looking all over for you. And who were you talking to in there ? ".


  1. Things that came to my mind while reading this (in order)
    1) Deepal = Meenal's sis ..umm wait ,Mind may be
    2) Meenal = Schizophreniac
    3) Short rather abrupt end.

  2. Sahi sahi!
    Incidentally, I just finished short stories by Ruskin Bond. Grab one and give it a shot, Pretty interesting and the cool thing is that some of those are really short. Gives me hope :D

  3. Thank you thank you :) I haven't read Ruskin Bond at all ..apart from maybe a couple of stories which found their way in the school textbook..Will give it a try..My all time fav short story writer has to be Roald Dahl though..I just love his twists..

  4. Pushkar this one was for all those who have ever had imaginary friends :) About the ending , I guess I wanted it to be short and abrupt so that it has the effect I wanted it to have..

  5. Nice one, Mugdha.
    It's like Karthik's imaginary brother in Karthik calling Karthik.

  6. Thanks Shazia.. Yes it is ,but I think the sad lonely girl is kinda inspired by the movie Corina Corina..

  7. Deepal is the subconcious image of meenal.
