Wednesday, June 15, 2011


She sat there hugging her knees, gaining some comfort from the warmth of the cup that she held in her hand. The rain made her shiver.

The house was surrounded by tall Eucalyptus trees. They seemed to obscure all the dreary sights of the world outside.

It was like she was in a cave, watching the forest drench itself.While the rain kept the beasts at bay.

She wished it was not so. She wished she had a glimpse of the world outside, of teeming life.

If only she could spot gleeful children, running around in circles, or young lovers holding hands in the rain.

That would perhaps bring a smile to her face. And then the beasts may not seem so real.


  1. it's lovely to read so many posts on the rains.
    and then get amazed at how different they are from each other :)

  2. Yes it brings out so many emotions..I was inspired to write this one after reading your post :)

  3. Memories of the childhood came alive
