Sunday, August 9, 2009

17 Again

I haven't checked out the latest movie 17 Again yet ,but I believe it is about Mathew Perry being able to get a second chance at high-school gets to set things right.To undo what went wrong.
That got me wondering that if I got another shot at being 17 would I do anything differently ?
Looking back there are a lot of things that I messed up.My career being one of them.I know I could have done much more but then somehow I guess I was destined to do what I am doing today.I believe that there is bigger power at play here.We may think we can shape our destiny but aren't we just going with the flow.I am sure you will all agree that what differentiates success from failure is diligence,perseverance ,focus,passion,good company and will.But what factor decides how hard working we are ? Why are some people more focused than others ? Why does success come seemingly easy to some people while it keeps eluding some.Why is it that today I am as hard working as I can be but yesterday was another story?
Sometimes isn't the journey more important than the destination.Isn't this path chosen.Was I no meant to learn from my failures.Aren't we here just to be better people.Whether we are successful or not in the process is just secondary.So I guess No there is nothing I would have done differently.This was meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would like to have wilder teens for a change! I think I played to safe and goody when I was this age, so thats one thing I would like to change, sort of kind of not too over the top... (wether i end up doing that or not I have no idea, I already am putting conditions u see :D)
